Free DNS Account

Get started today with DigiCert managed dns

Enjoy unlimited queries free for 30 days

Open a new account at no obligation and receive a month of free managed services. Enjoy your unparalleled DNS analytics platform and 100% uptime.

Start Free Trial

What's Included?

• 3 Domains
• 1,500 Records
• Unlimited Queries
• Two Factor Auth
• SLA-backed
• 1 Failover Record
• 1 Global Traffic Director Domain
• DNS Analytics

Supported Records of Our Managed DNS




Round Robin (load balancing) A/AAAA
HTTP Redirection
Wildcard A/CNAME/HTTP Redirection records
Failover with A records

Free DNS Account

Get started today with DigiCert managed dns


Our network and infrastructure was expertly designed to withstand any attack based on scale and complexity. Seasoned DNS administrators with 20+ years of experience ensure reliable infrastructure. We are able to guarantee 100% DNS uptime to all of our clients. No other DNS provider has the resources to ensure 100% uptime for your organization.

speed DNS icon

DNS Made Easy is consistently ranked as the world's fastest DNS provider according to third party network monitoring firms. We understand that fast DNS resolution is of utmost importance to your brand, and that is why we dedicate more resources to our DNS network than any other provider in the industry.

Analytics DNS icon

Understanding your DNS data and having the necessary tools to quickly diagnose problems is essential to your organization's success. With our advanced analytics solutions, you can keep your websites running efficiently.

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Our exceptional DNS solutions and unrivaled network infrastructure give us the ability to offer 100% uptime without incident. Providing you with peace of mind and elite performance.

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Automation through code to tightly integrate DNS with your organization's growth. Perform the core functions of the DNS Made Easy GUI control panel, but programmatically! Even advanced services like Global Traffic Director, HTTP Redirection, and Failover, can all be configured through REST.

performance monitoring

Our DNS solutions use proprietary artificial intelligence / machine learning to provide real-time anomaly detection of your DNS traffic. This unique solution provides alerts that will save your organization from costly outages and performance issues.

support team

Our support team is extensively trained to provide the highest level of support in the industry. Continuing education is provided to our engineers regarding the evolving internet landscape. We solve complex issues for our clients with ease.

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With a multitude of integrations available, your team can reduce manual tasks, workload, stress, and errors. Developed by DevOps engineers with over 20 years of traffic management expertise.