CNAME Records

Faster, smarter, and more accurate configurations

Unlock your domain's potential with DNS Made Easy's proprietary CNAME record—Experience increased performance when CNAME records are configured.

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What is a CNAME record?

A CNAME (Canonical Name) record is a type of DNS resource record that maps one domain name to another. CNAME records allow you to create an alias for a domain name, such that when a client performs a lookup for the alias, it will retrieve the actual address (or "canonical" name) associated with the target domain. For example, let's say you have a website running on the domain You could create a CNAME record that maps the domain to

How do CNAME records work?

When a client performs a lookup for, it will receive the address of as the result and will be able to access the website by visiting that address. CNAME records are commonly used when a service provider requires a specific hostname to be used for a service, or when a user wants to create a friendly domain name that redirects to a longer or more complicated address. However, it's important to note that a CNAME record can only be used to map one domain name to another and cannot be used to redirect the root of a domain (e.g., to another address.


CNAME records: point a namespace to an Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). This would be used at the root of your domain or where you require additional record types to be created as well (TXT, MX, CAA, etc.)

Benefits of cname

Redirection of multiple domain names to a single website: CNAME records can be used to redirect multiple domain names to a single website, allowing organizations to have multiple points of entry to their website while still only having to manage one domain.  

Load balancing: CNAME records can be used to distribute traffic across multiple servers to balance the load and ensure high availability.  

Domain aliasing: CNAME records can be used to alias one domain name to another, making it easier for users to remember the domain name and access the website.  

Third-party services integration:
CNAME records can be used to integrate third-party services into a website, such as social media widgets, analytics tools, and content delivery networks.

Subdomains: CNAME records can be used to create subdomains, allowing organizations to have multiple websites within a single domain, each with its own unique URL.  

Email hosting: CNAME records can be used to host email services on a third-party provider, allowing organizations to use the email services without having to manage their own email servers.  

CDN integration: CNAME records can be used to integrate content delivery networks into a website, allowing organizations to optimize the delivery of their content to users around the world.

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