Compare Azure Performance + Services

Enterprise DNS doesn't have to be complicated

Learn how DNS Made Easy beats Azure in performance testing, and how we can work together to build complete redundancy.

Secondary DNS 

Both DNS Made Easy and Azure support traditional Secondary DNS. For ultimate redundancy, our services pair well together. Your business will also benefit from DNS Made Easy’s industry-leading speeds regardless of whether we are your primary or secondary provider, as resolvers tend to prefer the faster authoritative nameservers.

Does Cloudflare support secondary DNS?

Azure Traffic Manager vs DNS Made Easy Failover

DNS Made Easy DNS Made Easy services run on our own extensive, bare metal server infrastructure and features our proprietary Peregrine Instant DNS updates (PIDU) technology. PIDU pushes changes to our thousands of authoritative nameservers in less than a second, making our Failover service one of the fastest in the world.

Azure: Traffic Manager Failover

Azure’s Traffic Manager includes a built-in failover service that monitors your endpoints. If a failure is detected, traffic will be automatically directed to the next available endpoint in your configuration.

DNS Made Easy: Failover

DNS Made Easy’s Failover solution operates similarly to Azure’s failover methods. One additional step we take is to ensure your alternative resources are healthy and available before redirecting traffic, which prevents unnecessary downtime.

Azure Traffic Manager vs Global Traffic Director

Azure: Traffic Manager

Azure’s Traffic Manager allows you to distribute traffic across multiple locations, as well as to route users connecting from different regions to designated servers. It also gives you the ability to adhere to data sovereignty regulations.

DNS Made Easy: Global Traffic Director (GTD)
Similar to Azure's Traffic Director service, DNS Made Easy’s Global Traffic Director lets users create region-specific DNS records that can serve content based on user location. Records can be configured for six regions around the world. GTD greatly improves performance, resolution accuracy, and speeds.

DNS Analytics vs Website Performance Management

Azure: Analytics
Azure’s Synapse Data Explorer is part of Azure’s Traffic Manager solution. It provides basic query reporting and allows you to see where your users are coming from, as well as the quality of their experience.

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DNS Made Easy: DNS Analytics

We offer true DNS-focused analytics
that provides in-depth, real-time reporting on your domain(s) query activity, including query logging and statistics. This solution is invaluable for gathering DNS infrastructure data, comparing trends over time, troubleshooting DNS errors and misconfigurations, researching threats based on historical domain data, optimizing performance, improving SEO, and more.

Azure Speed Performance Comparison

DNS Made Easy is more than 20ms faster than Azure on a global scale. The graph shown is based on a world view according to PerfOps (2/2022)

1. DNS Made Easy 20.1ms (Winner)
2. Microsoft Azure 37.47ms

Cloudflare Uptime Performance Testing

DDoS Attack Prevention with Anomaly Detection

Azure: None

DNS Made Easy: Real-time Traffic Anomaly Detection (RTTAD)
We offer a real-time monitoring service that uses machine learning (based on the Fourier Arima model) to analyze and predict web traffic. With RTTAD, you can view your DNS traffic in real time, and are instantly notified if any suspicious activity is detected. With RTTAD enabled, you can make proactive decisions rather than reactive ones and stop an attack before it can bring your domain offline.

Do you need more advanced GeoDNS services?
Our sister company Constellix has one of the most innovative DNS and Multi-CDN feature sets in the industry. See how Constellix and Azure compare.